SEL Blog - Sustainable Water Treatment

Florida Senior Care Center Realizes Significant Water Savings Using Moss

 A Florida senior care center in Largo is realizing significant water consumption reductions resulting from the implementation of a Sphagnum moss-based water treatment program on their cooling tower system.  The program was introduced by Aquatech of Florida based in St. Petersburg.  The product used, called ProMoss™, replaces conventional chemical treatment and was choosen because of its ability to function as a natural water softener allowing for more reuse of cooling tower water before it is discharged to drain.

 After two months of use, the facility has reduced their cooling tower makeup water consumption by 68% .  Facility water consumption dropped from 257,300 to 120,700 in a single month prompting their accountant to seek out the facilities manager for an explaination.  The facility was intially interested in ProMoss™ because of their desire to be "green" by eliminating treatment chemicals from their site.  The water savings has proven to be a great bonus to them.

Aquatech of Florida is part of a network of water treatment companies in the US that has adopted this all-natural approach to water treatment as an alternative to their conventional chemical treatment programs.  The technology was recently featured in the Fall, 2018 edition of the Analyst Magazine published by the Association of Water Technologies (AWT).